Change is inevitable. Change is the only thing that never changes. We heard these quotes for a long time, and they have so much truth and meaning. We experience the same in our daily lives. We see small or big changes in our families, workplaces, roads, vehicles, routes, and even the climate. Nowadays, the happenings in our lives are as unpredictable as the climate.
Now, a question? What is essential in a person who goes through this cycle of change? Adaptability!!!
Adaptability is a character that enables a person to ready himself/herself to suit the different conditions of change. This is one of the most important qualities that a person must possess to survive in the ever-changing world.
During the 15 years of my IT life, I have encountered many changes, including changes in locations, food, marital status, and parenthood.
Adapting oneself to changes helps us to fit into new situations and environments. Change brings something new and disposes of something old. It helps us to choose what is needed and what is not to run things. Being adaptable helps you to land on two feet and facilitate the transition more smoothly. More importantly; being adaptable does a great extent to improve mental health and willpower. We feel empowered to handle situations and that too with a calm and clear mind.
Was I adaptable? Not initially! Am I fully adept in being adaptable now? Well! Not yet. But I tried, am trying and will try. Being an introverted and socially awkward person; adapting to changes can cause panic attacks big time. But, trying is not going to hurt anyone. I am still trying and that try does make me adaptable to some level if not a 100% perfect one. Changes are happening all around you, and it is high time you start adapting if you still have not. If you find difficulty, just do what we do in all other situations - Try, Baby Steps can take you miles at some point in time!
“Adaptability is not imitation. It means the power of resistance and assimilation.” – Mahatma Gandhi