Thursday, 13 October 2016

Stalker - Lars Kepler - Book Review

Stalker - Book really kept stalking me until i finished it!!!

Lars Kepler gets better and better. Some one is stalking the ladies (with no connection to each other) and they are being killed. Police receives videos on the stalkings but could not do anything to trace or prevent more. This is the base of the story.
The first big plus of the story is the whole plot. It was very intriguing and like a rose flower was going into layer after layer. The second as always characterization of Joona and also Erik. The story starts with a different detective this time and i thought Joona will not be a part of this story at least to the investigation side. But then, he kicked in some time into the story and took the pulse of the book a notch higher. The investigation plot is very detailed and takes its time to unravel the culprit. As usual, there were only ample number of characters enough to carry the plot and the writer does not burden you with over characters.
One negative if so to be told will be that the book can get slow at places.
Overall, a very good read and another feather in the cap for Joona series of Lars Kepler.


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