I just finished reading a Tamil novel 'Alandaapatchi' by the renowned writer Perumal Murugan. The story follows the journey of Muthu who had to move out of his village due to unexpected family situations and seek out a new place to settle down. Muthu, the youngest in the family had all the love and affection in the world until one fine day when his father decided to split the property. He is left with almost nothing and all the relationships he had till then become strangers overnight and he has to turn a new leaf in his life.
That kept me leading to thoughts of permanence. Permanence is continuing or staying the same way for a long time. Ever heard the saying "Permanence is not permanent"? This shows the paradoxical nature of the permanent. We all know that nothing is permanent and change is imminent. But then, we still seek out permanence just like the fox who keeps jumping to taste the grapes. Staying the same way gives us a sense of security and stability. I feel that people seem to flock towards permanence due to this, even though knowing very well that it is not going to be the same.
Things that we feel are going to remain everlasting will be subjected to change and disappear at a certain point of time. I see this in a positive light. Good things will come to an end. But so do the bad things! Think of it that way! Life is a cycle and good or bad things that have to cease at some point and change over to the next one. Life is a roller coaster ride that needs to be enjoyed as it is. Imagine a life that is just plain and stable with only ups or downs. You are going to wear yourself out during the ride.
Change is the only thing that never changes. Always remember that nothing is permanent. But changes happen all the time to keep your life interesting. Cherish every ounce of your life.
“Nothing in the world is permanent, we are foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we are more foolish not to take delight when it lasts” – Somerset Maugham
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